Meet the Astrologer: NITIN PATIL

Nitin started studying Vedic Astrology in 1980 just out of curiosity. In 1985, he earned the degree of Jyotish Praveen (Astrology Expert) from Phal Jyotish Abhyas Mandal (Institute of Astrological Studies), Pune, India. Since then he has been providing professional consulting services to clients all over the world. He is primarily focused on and practices Astrology - both Vedic and KP (Krishnamurthy Paddhati), Numerology and Gem Stones therapy.
Over the last 40 years, Nitin has studied and analyzed over 4500 horoscopes for people from all walks of life - students, working adults, professors, engineers, scientists, accountants, bankers, executives and home makers. Over the years he developed his expertise in various aspects of human life including Education, Career and Finances, Health, Property, Romantic/Sexual relationships, Children and Litigation.
Nitin distinguishes himself from his contemporaries by giving scientific reasoning of his analysis in the modern context - no voodoo stuff. He ascertains the timing of major life events based on Dasha and Transit systems. When rendering astrological advise, Nitin takes a holistic view of the native's horoscope and his/her legal name and numerological ruling planet. This strategy has served Nitin and his clients well in predictive and subjective aspects of Vedic Astrology.
Even after so many years of practise, Astrology continues to fascinate Nitin. He continues to research and develop new methods of analysis and predictions to help his clientele and the public in general.